INCOSE Membership Meeting
Time & Location:
Tuesday, June 20, 2023 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM by WebEx
6:30-7:15 PM: Invited Speaker
7:15-7:30 PM: Q&A and Open Discussion
7:30-8:00 PM: Introductions of Attendees and Chapter Business
SE Standards and Guidance - Revisions and Trends
Over the past two decades, there are several key resources that have come to the forefront as the basis of knowledge, requirements, and guidance for systems engineering. These resources include ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, System Life Cycle Processes; the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook; the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK); and several others. During this time, there have been concerted efforts from INCOSE, the standards development organizations, and others to work towards a common process framework with consistent terminology and engineering concepts to better support concurrent usage. Now, as these valuable resources evolve, we are continuing to ensure that they stay aligned as each resource incorporates the changes needed to address advances in technology and emerging engineering approaches. This presentation will provide some history of the path taken to evolve and harmonize this set of resources and look specifically at the recent revisions to ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and the INCOSE SE Handbook, including the steps to ensure they remain aligned. The presentation will also look at the broader portfolio of key SE related resources. Finally, it will do a high-level examination of what is still necessary for these resources to support the INCOSE SE Vision 2035.
Garry Roedler is a retired Lockheed Martin Senior Fellow, Past President of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and past Vice-chair for the NDIA Systems Engineering Division. He has over 35 years of systems engineering (SE) experience that spans the full system life cycle and includes technical leadership roles in both programs and business functions. He is also an INCOSE Fellow, holds systems engineering certification at the Expert Systems Engineering Professional (ESEP) level, and has received many prestigious awards, including the Lockheed Martin Nova Award, INCOSE Founders Award, IEEE Standards Association Lifetime Achievement Award, the NDIA Ferguson Systems Engineering Excellence Award, and the USC CSSE Lifetime Achievement Award. Garry has held key leadership roles in several industry associations and standards development organizations, including editor of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Systems Life Cycle Processes and several other standards related to Systems Engineering and System of Systems Engineering; and key editor/contributor roles for the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge (SEBoK), the INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, the INCOSE Systems Engineering Vision 2035, and Maynard’s Industrial & Systems Engineering Handbook. This unique set of roles has enabled Garry to influence the technical co-evolution and consistency of these key Systems Engineering and System of Systems resources.
link to meeting recording