INCOSE NE ASEP-CSEP Exam Prep Study Group
Mon, Jul 20
|By WebEx
Come join us by WebEx for our INCOSE SE handbook study sessions over the next 12-15 weeks.

Time & Location
Jul 20, 2020, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
By WebEx
About The Event
NOTE: You only have to register once for all sessions! Use the same WebEx URL for all weeks.
The next session will be 20-Jul covering sections 4.1 – 4.5 of Chapter 4.
Please respond with your sample questions on the chapter sections we will cover.
Note that at Raytheon / Pratt & Whitney has switched conferencing support to Zoom For Government, and access to WebEx hosting is limited.
You should be able to join the meeting by web, without installing any client.
If this is going to be a problem for you or others in your company, please let me know. I can establish another collaboration mechanism through INCOSE but that might force me to reschedule again.
randy.skelding@prattwhitney.comis inviting you to a scheduled ZoomGov meeting.
Topic: INCOSE SE Handbook Study Session
Time: Jul 20, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join ZoomGov Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 897 0609
Password: 375008
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Meeting ID: 161 897 0609
Password: 375008
The preparation for the study session includes reading the chapters, and creating study questions to pose to the group. At the study sessions, we will go through the study questions and discuss the material.
The intent of the session is to provide the necessary review on a regular basis to prepare systems professionals for the exam on the SE Handbook that is the main path to ASEP or CSEP certification. It is expected that systems engineering will not be a new practice to anyone in the group.
I will moderate this group for at least the first few sessions, but will gratefully accept help if offered.
The chapter is still planning to host a paper exam this year, although the details on how this can be done given the COVID-19 pandemic need to be worked out. The exam will most likely occur late in the year.